East County News Service
October 25, 2017 (El Cajon) -- Waste Management of San Diego and the Mother Goose Parade Association announce launch of a non-perishable food drive benefiting the East County Transitional Living Center, which provides housing to help the homeless and others in need. The drive will run through November 15 with local businesses serving as drop off sites and will culminate with food being collected in Waste Management Bagster® bags at the Mother Goose Parade on Nov. 19.
“We are thankful to be counting on Waste Management as a chapter sponsor of this year’s Mother Goose Parade and thrilled to be joining them to address a very important need in our community,” said Daryl Priest, President of the Mother Goose Parade Association.
With the help of the public, businesses and its employees, Waste Management seeks to fill two Bagster® bags with non-perishable food items that will help local families in need this holiday season.
“As a business partner in East County, we are grateful for the many local businesses and organizations who have joined our efforts so that we may address hunger in our local communities,” said Kristine Costa, Municipal Affairs Representative for Waste Management of San Diego. “What better way to welcome the holiday season than to come together as one to help families in need.”
Community members wanting to donate food items may do so by dropping them off at Waste Management of El Cajon Office located on 1001 W. Bradley Ave. El Cajon, CA 92020, Monday- Friday between 8am-5pm, at any of the participating local drop off sites found HERE, or by bringing food items to the Mother Goose Parade on Nov. 19.